Sunday, 9 December 2012

NZ - Welly house

So nearly 4 months after leaving the UK I have stopped being 'on the move' for the time being. 

I have a found a house in Kelburn, which is 20min walk from the CBD and very close to Wellington University. The house is a 6 bedroom house with a front garden, very large back garden and an outdoor jacuzzi. I share with a mixture of workers and students, 4 are kiwi, 1 is Albanian and me the Brit. 

One of my housemates is planning on having an 'OE' (overseas experience) by going to the UK for a year in April this year. 

below: back of the house

below: secret garden... (since trimmed back by me whilst bored and looking for work)

below: the lounge

 below: lazy sunday... build a den, watch louis theroux in it and then whack on a face mask. Hmm

below: 'little grey' the cat that comes to visit, being held by kristina

below: Kelburn Village

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