Saturday, 1 December 2012

NZ - Wellington (3) Cape Palliser

Day two in the car and Cape Palliser is the destination. Two hours drive away with great scenery, a beach, a lighthouse and some seals.
'Cape Palliser is a promontory on the southern coast of New Zealand's North Island and is the southernmost point of North Island - it is in fact considerably further south than Nelson or Blenheim in the South Island.
It is located at the eastern end of Palliser Bay, 50 kilometres southeast of Wellington - 100 kilometres by road.
Cape Palliser and Lighthouse
A small settlement - Ngāwī - is situated near Cape Palliser, where the main income comes from crayfish fishing. Some 20 to 30 fishing boats are pushed into the sea on their trailers by bulldozers.
Kupe's Sail is another feature of Cape Palliser - a triangular upthrust of sedimentary rock shaped like a sail. Legend has it that Kupe sailed by Cape Palliser more than 1000 years ago.
The Cape Palliser Lighthouse is located here; an unmanned lighthouse blinking once every 20 seconds. It is also home to a permanent fur seal colony.
Cape Palliser was named by Captain James Cook in honour of 'his worthy friend' Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser of the British Royal Navy.' Souce: wikipedia.

below: scenic church on the way

below: beautiful coastline

below: Ngawi where lots of boats, rusty tractors and machinery are sitting

below: view from the lighthouse

below: view of the lighthouse (251 steps)

below: well earned 'boston donut mini'

below: seal

below: cape palliser lighthouse

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